Saturday, 6 April 2013


Hallo Billy Buuz, Mummy's been soo busy trying to finish the book and write the epilogue. Mummy's baby boy shining bright in the sky, looking down. Our book, Mummy's book for you is almost finished. We have a publisher and Mummy is just waiting to sign the contract. Mummy is scared but excited that this book will be out telling people a story, a history and a tale. They will remember who you were and how you inspired Mummy to do many things. Mummy had a glimpse of memory of you yesterday. Mummy tried to picture you in her mind, eyes closed and then it flashed very fast in front of Mummy's eyes. You looking up, awake, looked so cute. Mummy misses you so much. Mummy can't tell you how much. Mummy still calls you all each other's names. Mummy called your big brother almost Billy yesterday. Mummy has recieved a phone call last Sunday. A couple had their baby three months early and the baby is an intensive care. Mummy went to interpet for them and visited the neonatal unit. It was somewhere else from where you were, but it brought back lots of memories. Mummy tried to help them, but still so hard. Mummy knew exactly ow they were feeling, very poorly baby attached to lots of wires and tubes. There is nothing the parents can do. It's been the Easter holidays and we are enjoying our time together. Your baby sister is a great one to make everyone smile and repeat anything she hears. Mummy hears herself back when she says phrases like 'Oh dear.' She is so funny. She cuddles to us all and very bossy too. Your big brother and sister laugh and do whatever she wants them to do. It's sweet to see them playing together. But there is a shadow in our hearts, a hole always. Billy Buuz. It's you, baby. We love you, baby. Night night. XXXX

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